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KU-Technical Training Center Recycling Unit

The recycling unit at KU-TTC focuses on enhancing environmental sustainability by repairing and reusing furniture, reducing waste and conserving resources. It sources furniture and equipment from various places to refurbish. The unit has established guidelines to standardize its operations and engaging the community to promote its recycling efforts. 

The Recycled Products can be purchased from the Technical Training Center Building in Kathmandu University Central campus.

Contact TTC administration for inquiry about the available products.

White board (Length 800 Cm, Height 400 Cm)
Small Table (length 40 cm, breadth 41 cm, height 27 cm)
Book Rack
Cup rack (Length 500 Cm, Breath 18 Cm, Height 20 cm)
Study Table
Site Box (Length 48 cm, Breadth 40cm, Height 64cm)
Tea Table (Length 59.5 cm, Breadth 40.5 cm, Height 31 cm)